Hello all! I hope this blog is finding all of you warm and cozy and in health! Well, it's done, kaput, finito,the surgery is finally over and done with. I had it done last Tuesday. Nervous as heck, we proceeded to the ole hospital along with 7 million other cars on the outer belt. We enter the hospital, with about 5 min. to spare, then I am whisked away to pre-op. The surgery went fine after 3 1/2 hours passing then came 3 hours in recovery.
Besides not wanting to wake up, it went better than I anticipated. The biggest thing I remember is not being able to talk because I had a tube up my nose and down into my throat. So I could not suck via a straw or say certain vowels. I kinda sounded like Marlee Matlin, until the next day the nurse removed the tube and by golly I had a voice that could talk!
I spent 2 days in ICU due to some breathing problems, was on Dilaudid and Percocet for a few days. Now my kitchen looks like I'm competing for the local CVS drugstore. Thank god, my mother arranged a 'time sked' for me to take my drugs.
My chest feels a little heavy, like I have 2 bricks on each side, but other than that I feel absolutely great! I also have drainage tubes that look like little plastic grenades (no I am NOT in terrorist training) inwhich I must log the liquid and drain as needed.
I cant wait to start my meds for 5 years ( yes I'm being serious) and start the healing process. I want to move on with my life. I also signed up with the Columbus Komen Chapter as being a breast cancer advocate. I can't wait for them to contact me. I'm looking forward to helping others out when they first find out that they have breast cancer.
I resumed painting, today. My Dad brought down to Columbus, some old water colour paper and paints and brushes. So I decided to paint a few 'projects' that I have doodled down. I plan to donate my first painting to the Dublin James Care Center. (hope they like it)
Anyhow, I feel great and there is no looking back. Oh and yes I did go into the Operating room and get sedated with a smile on my face. For indeed, when I did wake up, it would be a new life for me.
In closing, having both breasts removed, really isn't that bad. The skin sparring surgery is the only way to go! So as I look down at my chest the remotely resembles a shar pei dog's skin, I look forward to getting my first 'fill up' next wednesday from my plastic surgeon.
I'll blog later, after I meet with my surgeon on Wed. and get the 'all clear' sign!
Ciao for now!
Such a relief! When I was in the hospital for my appendix they were giving me dilaudid, which I instantly fell in love with. Thank god it's a controlled substance, I would definitely be addicted, I kept annoying the nurses because I was asking them if it was time for another dose of "Delighted." Glad to hear it went well...
I'm so glad that everything went well and you're on your way to having permanently perky breasts! We should get a bunch of us together before the Race For The Cure. I hope I'm ready this year!
that's just like you...even in serious times you can laugh and make jokes.
I am really glad it all went better than planned and you have started your new life with a smile.
And I'm still sporting the pink ribbon on my purse. I think it just found it's place for now...you'd never believe how many women notice it and make comments about it.
Keep in touch,
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