Hello all,
I hope this blog finds each and everyone of you fine. I just got back from meeting with my surgeon, Dr. Linda Han. Looks like all systems go for next Tuesday January 27th. I need to be at the hospital around 11am (although this time may change) rumor has it that between my surgeon and my plastic surgeon is that the surgery itself is approx. 3 1/2 to 4 hours long.
I'll have drainage tubes and she flat out told me that I'm going to feel like the first hour or so that I'm having a heart attack. Being that I'm a mere 47, I cant tell you what that feels like, however, for those of you who have had one, I'm sure it's a pain that you don't want to experience ever again.
I appreciate my surgeon being upfront with me, (as most surgeons should be) I don't want anything candy coated. Just give me the drugs to deal with it. My surgeon tells me 2 days in the hospital and my plastic surgeon guy tells me up to 4. So, because of my past history with bleeding, hematomas and the whole 9 yards of not clotting fast (or normal time frame), I'll play it by ear as to how long I get to enjoy St. Anne's delicious hospital food.
I told my Dr, that I was a bit nervous about 'waking up', that fear of the unknown, the visions I have in my head of competing for Frankenstein's wife.......well, she assured me that I would NOT look like a Frankenstein and I guess at this point, Trust is the key word to go with.
That being said, I'm going to go log off and finish making more dinners, I have been doubling up on cooking, so I can throw 1/2 of it in the freezer so poor Dan and Mallori don't starve!!!!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me, and the next time you see me if I have 2 grey streaks in a beehive hairdo, then don't look at my neck for bolts I promise you they won't be there!
Ciao for now!
p.s. Think Pink!!!
I hope this blog finds each and everyone of you fine. I just got back from meeting with my surgeon, Dr. Linda Han. Looks like all systems go for next Tuesday January 27th. I need to be at the hospital around 11am (although this time may change) rumor has it that between my surgeon and my plastic surgeon is that the surgery itself is approx. 3 1/2 to 4 hours long.
I'll have drainage tubes and she flat out told me that I'm going to feel like the first hour or so that I'm having a heart attack. Being that I'm a mere 47, I cant tell you what that feels like, however, for those of you who have had one, I'm sure it's a pain that you don't want to experience ever again.
I appreciate my surgeon being upfront with me, (as most surgeons should be) I don't want anything candy coated. Just give me the drugs to deal with it. My surgeon tells me 2 days in the hospital and my plastic surgeon guy tells me up to 4. So, because of my past history with bleeding, hematomas and the whole 9 yards of not clotting fast (or normal time frame), I'll play it by ear as to how long I get to enjoy St. Anne's delicious hospital food.
I told my Dr, that I was a bit nervous about 'waking up', that fear of the unknown, the visions I have in my head of competing for Frankenstein's wife.......well, she assured me that I would NOT look like a Frankenstein and I guess at this point, Trust is the key word to go with.
That being said, I'm going to go log off and finish making more dinners, I have been doubling up on cooking, so I can throw 1/2 of it in the freezer so poor Dan and Mallori don't starve!!!!!
Keep your fingers crossed for me, and the next time you see me if I have 2 grey streaks in a beehive hairdo, then don't look at my neck for bolts I promise you they won't be there!
Ciao for now!
p.s. Think Pink!!!
Can I slip some minis to ya at the hospital? We can just set up shop like it's an overnight! Just think of how perky they'll be!!!
Dear Boo,
Your dad and I will be there as soon as we can get out of lower untion.You might have to start without us. But we'll be there. Love Momxxxx
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