The Foo

The Foo
Times like these you learn to love again, It's times like these you learn to give and give.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Knowledge is power.........

Good Morning All! Dreary day here , it's snowing a little and the cat is watching the birds eat at the feeder. So it looks like a postcard from the back of my house!

Sorry so late on the updated blog, yesterday was a busy day for me. I met with another few members of my 'team'. My first appointment was with my medical oncologist. We reviewed my test scores from my Oncotype DX test. This is a test that (in a nutshell) dissects the genes of my cancer and scores them on a test that determines the recurrence of my cancer and whether or not I have to have Chemo. Well the good news is that I have a score of 12 which is under 20. Anything under 20 is in the 'good' group, which means I do NOT have to have chemo. My cancer is a hormonal driven type. So, that means I can be treated with hormonal drugs (Tamoxifen).Which I will be on for at least 5 years. I won't start this till after the first of the year.

After that we (Dan, myself and my good good friend Patty) drove over to meet my Dr. 90210 (plastic surgeon) I met Dr. Boehmler for a good 2 hours and we discussed a wide variety of options that I can elect to have done, once I have my mastectomy. Dr. Boemler wants me to be 200pct sure of my decision prior to getting on the table in the operating room.

At this point I am not at 200 pct. Nowhere close! I believe I am going to have a 2nd opinion on the pathology reports from my re-excision. I want to make sure that I have exhausted all avenues prior to committing to have a mastectomy. A 2nd opinion can not hurt. In fact it may help me understand why I have been dealt this hand in the card game of my life.

I went to bed exhausted last night at 8pm. I don't think there is one ounce of tears left in my body.I woke up at 11pm with my mind racing around the track. I went down to the basement and read till 4am. Then went back to bed kinda. I didn't really sleep, just tossed and turned alot.

I came across this phrase that says:" Knowledge is power.....When you understand, you can become an active participant, choosing treatment because it's in Your best interest. Having made the choice, you will feel much more in 'control and much less like a victim".

So, that being said, I am going to read and research and study,learn and ask everything that I can possibly think of to educate myself on my life changing decision. I'm sorry I can't go into detail about everything that was said to me for 4 1/2 hours yesterday. I'm whipped. But I will tell you when the time is right.

I hope all of you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family and friends. Drive and fly safe if you are doing so. Enjoy the time!
Take care, Hugs to all!

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