Well, After waiting 3 weeks from getting my sharp
pei puppies, today was the day I was waiting for. My first fill up! I woke up early around 6:30am only to run down stairs, start a load of clothes, unload the dishwasher, get my numerous drugs out and make coffee and yes, force myself to eat a bowl of cereal. I've never been one to eat breakfast, but with these
meds, you would have to have a death wish with your stomach if you didn't eat.
I put on the TV to catch up on the ole stimulus package news, often wondering what the CEO of GM makes per year and how he is 'cutting back' like the rest of have to????? (
ok ok...I won't go down that road now)....and my sleepless sister in law Marianne calls at 7:14am, to tell me that she can't witness the event today, since my
niece wasn't feeling good. Bummer, she took me last week for a check up and really liked the ole plastic surgeon. (wink).She wished me good luck and I said I'd phone after it was done. I was so nervous, not knowing what to expect. Drives me crazy. But the
meds kicked in and I was .......... let's say....''comfortable''!
They took me right away, he came in gave me an injection on the left side, no pain, then got the 'stud finder' out and put the needle right where it was supposed to be, again, no pain. Did the right side, then pumped in 50
cc's of saline in each side.
finito, kaput! wow.......what was I thinking? I hope to have that amount doubled for next
wed's visit. I am schedule till April 1st for weekly
fillups with "Wally". He's got to get me up to 600
cc's on each side.
Dan and I went shopping after it was all done, and I came home made us lunch and took a nap with the cat till 3:30pm. Wow what a day. I almost can't wait till next wed!
I hope everyone had a great Valentines day! Spring is only a month away!
I will update this blog again next wednesday after I see Wally!
Ciao for now!