The Foo

The Foo
Times like these you learn to love again, It's times like these you learn to give and give.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Ducky 10/24/08

Well, " A lovely day for Ducks" as my mother would say. So much for the Indian Summer days. I've been reading down in the dungeon for most of the day. I came across this article that I've read over again and again. The more I read it, actually the more it makes sense and better I feel. Managing your fear. Yeah I know I sound like a martyr but I guess I wouldn't be human if I didn't say that I have some fear. Here are the 8 affirmations to help reduce one's fear!

1. Knowledge: The more you know of your condition, the better; to be unaware is to be frightened!

2.Decision-making: The more informed decisions I actually make for myself, the more I feel in charge and less helpless I feel.

3.Belief in my Dr.: The more I can trust my doctors the more I will have in my treatment plan.

4.Support:Talking to others who have been through it, knowing they've come out on the other side, is reassuring.

5.Humor:The ability to laugh with others and laugh at myself (trust me not hard to do!) It keeps one emotionally balanced!!

6.Timeliness:The smaller the delay from discover to report to treatment, the less time there is for me to mentally live the "worst case scenario"

7.Being Heard:Knowing that my team of doctors and nurses take my questions/needs seriously is essential to my healing process.

8:Counting myself part of the health care team: No one can know my body like I can. No one can know what symptoms are unusual for me like I can, and this makes my contribution central to my own healing!

Wow, that all being said, I think that pretty much nips alot of things in the bud!Remember to THINK PINK......Trace

1 comment:

Doris said...

I like the one about humor and being part of the team.

Send me some pictures of Mal & Taylor. Or do they have facebook pages?

Let me know when a good time to call you is. Have to tell you my Florida cockroach story, the fastest I have ever taken my pants off!!!

Soak up the Fun!